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svjetski rak

a song i did for the pxtunes crab album! listen to that here:

transcript (with translation):
rat rakovima znaju svi
-everyone knows the crab war

ali kazu da je to historija da se zaboravi
-but they say that its history to forget

dodi meni da ti kazem ja
-come to me so i can tell you

to sto se desilo 2023, 16i dan, i mijesec dva
-that which took place on 2023, 16th day, and month 2

izasli su iz vode sa roboti i kazu da cu ponistit nas za nase grehoti
-they came from the water with robots and say that they would destroy us for our sins

bio sam ja tu na liniju prvu
-I was there on the first line

izgubio sam ja nogu i izgubio sam ja svoju mozgu
-I lost my leg and I lost my mind

pitao sam ja svoju prijateljicu vidis ti sta se dogada mislis da cu se vratiti svoju kucu
-I asked my friend do you see what's happening do you think I will return to my home

ali tad mi strava je se stvorila zato sto moja prijateljica pretvorila u rak
-but then dread formed in me because my friend turned into a crab

to je bilo njihova tehnologija, zvali su to karcinizacija
-that was their technology, they called it carcinization

ali iz svemiru su dosli nasega spasosi, i bez brige smo nji ponistili i tako je zavrsilo se rat rakovi
-but from space came our saviors, and without care we destroyed them and that's how the crab war finished

zavrsilo je se to na mart deveti, i tako je se znao taj dan "dan meso rakovi"
-it ended on March 9, and that's how that day was known as "crab meat day"

hey, why are you laughing? what, you don't believe me or something? ok what, so there were some holdouts until the 16th so it didnt really stop until then, but- but officially it- whhatever, get outta here.

March 21, 2023, 3:22 a.m.
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